In prep and submitted papers

Schuster, M., He, Y.L., Elsaifi, A. & R.L. Murray. Colonization dynamics in road salt polluted environments. In prep.

Punzalan, D., Murray, R.L. & L. Rowe. Shot in the dark: no evidence that cuticular melanization predicts species- and sex-specific immune encapsulation response in two species of ambush bugs. In prep.

Murray, R.L., Roslihuddin, M., Toth, O., Rowe, L. & S.J. McCauley. Chronic road salt exposure reduces foraging success in larval dragonflies and carries-over to affect adult performance. In prep.

Jaworski, D., Bussière, L.F., Gwynne, D.T., Herridge, E.J. & R.L. Murray. Diversity in mating and parental sex roles. Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Biology, 2ndEdition. Submitted.

Wiberg, R.A.W., Murray, R.L., Herridge, E.J., Gwynne, D.T. & L.F. Bussière. Deceptive female display signals drive diversification of sensory counter-adaptations in systems with male nuptial gift provisioning. Submitted.

Marques, Piata; Illyes, Edina; McCauley, Shannon; Jackson, Donald.; Michalakos, Diana; Ferzoco, Ilia Maria; Timms, Laura; Murray, Rosalind; MacFarlane, Zira; Duval, Tim; Dolson, Rebecca; Din, Sajjad; Pebesma, Dale; Kirkwood, Andrea; Turner, Nicole; Clayton, Jon; Horton, Kaitlyn; Boston, Christine; Sapozhnikova, Ekaterina; Cadotte, Marc & Mandrak, Nick. Ecosystem functions and services in urban stormwater ponds: co-producing knowledge for better management. Submitted.


Accepted and published papers

Swartwout, M.C., Johnson, M.T.J. & R.L. Murray. Mallard depredation of Jefferson Salamander eggs. Herpetological Reviews. Accepted.

Marcellino, B.J.L., Yee, P., McCauley, S.J.* & R.L. Murray* (2024) Too hot to handle: Male dragonflies decrease mating behaviour at higher temperatures. Animal Behaviour. 207, 109-118. *Authors contributed equally.

Batool, R.*, Jenan, J.*, Schuster, M. & R.L. Murray (2023) How do latitude and urban heat islands affect monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus) larval melanisation? Canadian Journal of Zoology. *Authors contributed equally.

Du, S. & R.L. Murray (2023) Road salt pollution alters sex ratios in emerging mosquito populations. Environmental Pollution 334, 122203.

Hasik, A.Z., Ilvonen, J.J., Siepielski, A.M. & R.L. Murray (2022) Odonata immunity, pathogens, and parasites. In: Dragonflies & Damselflies: Model Organisms for Ecological and Evolutionary Research. 2nd Edition. 73–84.

Murray, R.L., Gwynne, D.T. & L.F. Bussière (2022) Mating and Sexual Selection in Empidine Dance Flies (Empididae). Insects. 13: 839.

Zhang, V., Martin, R.L. & R.L. Murray (2022) Chronic road salt exposure across life stages and the interactive effects of warming and salinity in a semi-aquatic insect. Environmental Entomology. 51: 313-321.

Murray, R.L., Herridge, E.J., Ness, R.W., Wiberg, R.A. & L.F. Bussière (2020) Competition for access to mates predicts female-specific ornamentation and male investment in relative testis size. Evolution. 74: 1741-1754.

Murray, R.L., Tah, S., Koprivnikar, J., Rowe, L. & S. McCauley (2020) Exposure to potentially cannibalistic conspecifics induces an increased immune response. Ecological Entomology. 45: 355-363.

Mangahas, R.S.*, Murray, R.L.*, & S.J. McCauley (2019) Chronic exposure to high concentrations of road salt decreases the immune response of dragonfly larvae . Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution - Conservation. 7: 376. *co-first authorship. Coverage in UTM news, the Medium, U of T News, CBC Radio, CBC news

Murray, R.L., Gwynne, D.T. & L.F. Bussière (2019) The role of functional constraints in non-random mating patterns for a dance fly with female ornaments. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 32: 984-993. Coverage: “Hot Student Paper Award”

Murray, R.L., Wheeler, J., Gwynne, D.T. & L.F. Bussière (2018) Sexual selection on multiple female ornaments in dance flies. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 285, 20181525. Coverage in New Scientist,, the Varsity, Top Science Stories of 2018

Shura, O., Sandhu, P., Murray, R.L. & C. Guy (2018) Worms make risky choices too: the effect of starvation on foraging in the common earthworm (Lumbricus terrestris). Canadian Journal of Zoology. 96, 1278-1283. Editor’s Choice - CJZ. Coverage in Dispatches Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment; The Varsity

Murray, R.L., Herridge, E.J., Ness, R.W. & L.F. Bussière (2017)  Are sex ratio distorting endosymbionts responsible for mating system variation among dance flies (Diptera: Empidinae)? PLoS One. 12: e0178364.

Herridge, E.J., Murray, R.L., Gwynne, D.T. & L.F. Bussière. (2016) Mating and Parental Sex Roles, Diversity in. In: Kliman, R.M. (ed.), Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Biology. vol. 2, pp. 453–458. Oxford: Academic Press. 

Murray, R.L., Kozlowska, J.L. & A.D. Cutter (2011) Heritable determinants of male fertilization success in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. BMC Evolutionary Biology. 11: 99.

Murray, R.L. & A.D. Cutter (2011) Experimental evolution of sperm in protandrous self-fertilizing hermaphrodites. Journal of Experimental Biology. 214: 1740-1747.

Prasad, A., M. Croydon-Sugarman, R.L. Murray & A.D. Cutter (2011) Temperature-dependent fecundity associates with latitude in Caenorhabditis briggsae. Evolution. 65:52-63.

Cutter, A.D., Dey, A. & R.L. Murray (2009) Evolution of the Caenorhabditis elegans Genome. Molecular Biology and Evolution.  26: 1199-1234.